
The Awakened Family

Oprah Winfrey’s comment is: “Shefali Tasbary. is so evolved that her ideas are really a paradigm shift that can change the world.”

Shetfali Tasbary, Ph.D, best-selling author of The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family, shares her radical transformative thinking and overview of ways to raise our children to be their truest selves. She offers practical and real-life examples from her own experiences as a parent and clinical psychologist. She demonstrates the extraordinary power of being a conscious parent, the capacity to raise children who are highly resilient and emotionally connected. She points to how parents are often blinded by modern misconceptions of how we “should” raise our children. She shares her paradigm shifting ways of thinking that cultivates the relationships we have with our children, supporting them to thrive…and transforming our ability to be a parent with more presence, calmness, compassion, insightfulness, ease and enjoyment. Shetfali takes us on an empowering journey of transcending our fears and illusions around parenting.

The Inside Out Revolution

The understandings in this book can be life
transforming, changing lives of effort and stress, to
one of ease and joy. Many people say this book has
changed everything in their lives. They wish they
had known this sooner, and are grateful to be
understanding it now. Michael Neill is a genius
using analogies and stories for expressing
something that is relatively simple but can seem
complex. It takes several reads (or listening to the
audio version) for it to sink in.

Parenting From The Heart

Parenting from the Heart offers a new and refreshing approach to parenting. It’s easy-to-understand, down-to-earth and moves beyond parenting theories and techniques to get to the heart of parenting. As parents  look deeper within, they find the answers they need, and parenting techniques are not necessary. When parents have a loving connection with their children most of the time, discipline and consequences are rarely necessary. Parents realize they have an innate ability to bring out the best in their children. Many so-called experts say that raising kids is the toughest job any of us will ever do, but it does not have to be that way. It can be the most joyful thing any of us will ever  do. Parenting from the Heart is a great resource for anyone who cares about parenting and raising children.

The Future Of Children

The Future of Children, tells the story and the work  of an innovative independent school. It tells the story of four decades of direct experience with children that have been educated in a school that was based in love. Their direct connection to the natural world has influenced them to feel a deep connection with life. Their sensory rich education has given them a life line love for creativity, and doing and making things of beauty and function. Their ability to collaborate with others has given them the direct experience of accomplishing projects that live beyond the possibility of an individual. Their ability to do their own thinking and to be in love with life long learning has given them the confidence to live in a world of shifting complexity and deep uncertainty.

The lessons and the stories provide insights and the creative inspiration that will fuel new ways of teaching and new ways of learning. This book is essential for parents and educators who are dedicated to shifting from the dominant failing industrial educational paradigm to a new paradigm that is based on love, trust and deep interconnection.

Magical Child

Magical Child, a classic work, Joseph Chilton Pearce profoundly questioned the current thinking on childbirth practices, parenting and educating our children. Ideas on how Western society is damaging our children, and how we can better nurture them and ourselves. Reminding us that at birth the human child has only one concern: to learn all that there is to learn about the world. If raised that way, the Magical child is a happy genius, capable of anything and equipped to fulfill his amazing potential. He traces the growth of the mid-brain from birth to adulthood and connects the alarming rise in autism, hyperkinetic behavior, childhood schizophrenia and adolescent suicide to the all too common errors we make in raising and educating our children. Then he shows how we can restore the astonishing wealth of creative intelligence that is the birthright of every human being. He challenges all of our notions about child rearing, and in the process challenges us to re-examine ourselves. Pearce’s message is simple: it is never too late to play, for we are all Magical Children.

Parenting from the Inside Out

Parenting from the Inside Out explores the extent to which our childhood experiences shape the way we parent and how we can heal them. Guiding parents for the necessary foundations for loving and secure relationships with their children. Offering parents a step-by-step approach to forming a deeper understanding of their own life stories, which will help them raise compassionate, resilient children with an internal sense of internal wellness. It’s never to late!

The Continuum Concept

The Continuum Concept, is a landmark treatise on how humanity lives versus how we should, what we’ve lost with our “progress,” and how we can reclaim our true nature Jean Liedloff,  an American writer, spent two and a half years in the South American jungle living with Stone Age Indians. The experience demolished her Western preconceptions of how we should live and led her to a radically different view of what human nature really is. She offers a new understanding of how we have lost much of our natural well-being and shows us practical ways to regain it for our children and for ourselves.

When Society Becomes An Addict

In her groundbreaking book, When Society Becomes An Addict, Ann Wilson Schaef, Ph, D looks at addictions as part of an all-encompassing societal matrix and shows us how to think and act more freely. She has developed her own approach to healing called Living in Process. It challenges us to recognize the addictive system we live in, and offers us a much clearer option of choosing, “not to die, but to live.” Reading this book supports us in making fresh self-discoveries. Her purpose has been in helping people, societies, and the planet make a well needed paradigm shift.